Monday, June 14, 2010

Loving: Fireflies

A walk through the meadows and woods of Winterthur at dusk to spot fireflies was like watching velvet sparkle, especially in areas where light pollution was minimal. The air was heavy with dew and a perfume only acres of flowers can create. I stopped counting fireflies when I reached gazillion and twenty.

Operation Grateful 6/30

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Loving: Bobby Pins

They turn wild hair into something sleek and beautiful. Tres awesomeness, I say.

2/30 Operation Grateful

Monday, June 7, 2010

Operation Grateful: Day 1

Yesterday, I drew an open book with ideas swirling out of the book into a thought bubble. (My written description sounds much better than the drawing actually looks.) I was reading a motivational book in B&N Saturday and enjoyed it. After I finished, I realized with delight, I'm dreaming again! It has been a long, long time since I have had the courage to dream. I'm grateful books still have their pull on me.

Loving: Operation Grateful

Starting yesterday, I'm drawing a photo each day for 30 days of something I'm grateful for about my life. Inspired by Obsessive Consumption, this is my own way of focusing on the positives in my life. I'm no great artist but the way I see it, this is one way to improve!

Were I a little more savvy, I'd figure out how to post my drawings online. But I'm not so I can't.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I've received some of the coolest stuff from that site; bikes, plants, shoes, books, flower pots, and just picked up some herbal supplements I have been wanting to try. I subscribe to three different Freecycle mailing list and pick stuff up on one of my treks up or down the state. If you haven't already, check it out.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Loving: That Exercised Feeling

After a break of 1.5 years from diligent exercising, it feels so good to be back. I'm loving the faint sore feeling.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Loving: Thursdays

Only one more day until the weekend, one more day until I see MisterMan, one more day until I get to forget all my problems for two three(!) days.